Friday, February 20, 2009

Endocrine system...

^^^This guy=WIN.
Straight. fucking. up.
I want a gary busey shirt and I'd wear it under everything.
Gary busey should be the God damned Vice president
Gary busey PWNS Chuck norris to the 974th degree.


He does not sound like a woman!
And hes got a very pleasant looking face.
He does make me laugh in that one song "Youre beautiful" because hes like:
"My life is brilliant.......................[8 days later]....................My life is brilliant, My love is pure" and I always thought that was a bit off and then i saw this: and i DIED. It was hilarious. just like...the first 30 secs anyways.

Okay so today I went to the mall. It was really windy outside and for some reason when its windy....I do this weird walk. Like I crouch over and look at my feet... kinda like that.

Im kinda mad right now because I tpyed this whole essay about our trip to the mall and it dissapeared. I have to type it over. I now have a migrane.
*prepares to unleash the fury of the enter button*
OKAY. We went to the pet store and probably wasted a good hour in there playing with bunnies and staring at hamsters....the guinea pigs were total veggies.
We went to this gay store, Garage. We started singing along with this weird song and the worker is all like "You guys are HAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPYYYYYY", yes we are pure rays of sunshine. We also went to Icings and stared singing "le disko" by STG's which kinda failed to a certain degree because there were a good amount of parts where we didnt know the words...then rico suave[a rico suave looking worker] says "DONT PASS UP THAT 5 FOR 10" and we were all uncomfortable because he was practically yelling at us lmao. We went to the hot god-damned topic of course and there was this little guy that worked there and he kept talking to us; first we were talking about how peope say "suduko" rather than "sudoku" and he was like "Yeah that so odd, everyone does that" and then melanie was looking at this shirt and we were talking about the guy on it that looked all serene and pleasant so the guys is like "oh yea, definitely, i bet its that beard....and the fact that he looks like jesus". We went to H&M and those god-damned jonas brother came on and we talked about how they always sound like theyre getting raped for a good...5 minutes and apparently melanie spotted a living mannequin. When we were in the hallway going away from where KB toy store used to be[I CANT BELIEVED THEY GOT RID OF IT] melanie saw this straigtner and said--quietly--"Oh! a straightner"...remember QUIETLY. So this guy that was sitting in the opposite direction of us[he couldnt see us because he turned away]...hes like "OH YESS BUT STRAIGHTNER" 0.o.... this guys has frikken dog ears lol...we started walking all fast. OH YEAH! We went to taco bell to eat and i got a kids meal which came with a little red car and we were playing with it but it rolled off the table and fell next to this guy and he picked it up and says "Thats a neat toy grandson would like that" so I gave it to him at first he kept saying "Nawww, keep it" but i knew he wanted it. I wanted it too but i thought it was so nice that he thought of his grandson just by see a litte red car, plus i wouldve just
abused it...and i dont really play with toys. When we went to American Apparel there was this book that was open on a stand and it said something about porn stars lmao.

"..." I do that alot. IDK...its just how i would actually say it. a "...". Thats how i talk. "I like cows.....especially the brown ones" Suck it.
Oh wait
I want one of these:

Its a lomo camera. 65 bucks. Vintage....

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