Friday, January 30, 2009

My take on Apples. growling. detention. muahahaha

Okay so this week i had this godly apple and its was just like the best thing in the world lmao.
I hate biting into apples because im paranoid that its gonna pull my teeth out D:
I like red apples but only the little round ones but...not the apple shaped know, the point-like ones, yeah, i hate those. Idk it makes sense in my twisted mind.

Something kinda funny:
Um so today i got kinda annoyed with a certain person who happens to always yell at the whole class to shut i said "MRAAAAAAAAAWWWR"[yeah, brutal, i know...]
So my L.A. teacher is all like "Who just growled at me?" and i said "I growled but i was growling at so-and-so because shes always yelling at us to shut up and its annoying because she acts like we're her children or something...." so here so-and-so comes all ghettolicious lmao
'YOU NEEDS TOO SHUT UP EWFURGhrAWGBLAW" idk, all i kept hearing was shut up.
Its just that....when people belittle me or w.e. it really GRINDS MY GEARS so i released a growl of idk but it works for me and i need to let my feelings out more often because im happier that way dx

Something kinda stupid[and still funny at the same time]
Okay so my L.A. teacher keeps ME after...FOR GROWLING? FUCKING A; IMMORAL SOB! That Child Over there is yelling profanities! Bullshit, yeah? I mean, i didnt mind, it was the perfect oppurtunity to be good at being right and basically every human being in Teaneck is good at being wrong bahahahah!
im tired...resulting in my n00b like apologies.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

So Im new at this

So i made this specifically to articulate my thoughts and have them all in one place so that i wont forget them.
I think my brain is like a 1gb memory card;It wants so mcuh more than it can hold...i think too much and yet i always run out of things to ironic =_=

Grahhr so lets get started.[babbling about irrelevant things]

When i was younger every single teacher would say "India, india, india....very smart and sweet girl but she talks waaaay TOO mcuh"
NOW i dont talk enough and my parents throw me in one appreciated my openness and now im some type of safe made without a key, people are never satisfied.

I just remembered! Like...2 or 3 years ago these Jehova's witnesses came to my door--mind you it was like 14 degrees outside and i was agnostic ATM--So theyre talking about how i should be a Jehovah's witness and they gave me this stupid pamphlet...had nothing to do with anything but it pissed me off!

My throat is sore.